For most tweens and teens growing up is a confusing process. Their physiological and psychological worlds are in a state of flux. To add to this, there is insecurity about changing bodies, crushing schedules, peer pressure, and uncertainty about the future. Yoga can be the bridge between childhood and adolescence that can ease the transition. Experts have noted that children, who commence yoga practices early in lives, tend to maintain the childlike state for several more years. Moreover, this is the ideal age to introduce daily practices to ensure vitality and high levels of endurance throughout the different stages of life.
Aside from the obvious physical benefits that yoga brings to this age – it can help in nurturing self-esteem and confidence. It also encourages self-discovery and exploring the inner working of oneself. It can help them love their bodies and understand the concept of inner radiance. Yogic practices can help them to expand their awareness and harness their natural potential thus creating liberated and wholesome lives ahead. Additional benefits include coping with mood swings, reduced stress, better concentration, and easier decision making. When yoga is presented to pre-teens as a hip, cool tool to take charge of their lives, they take to it more naturally and integrate it as a life-long discipline.